Oct 27, 2009

Falling in love is like

Do you ever fall in love to a person? Can you explain the feeling of being love?

Here's how:

Falling in love is like adopting a pet. First you need to take care and adapt to its environment and while it lasts you are more sensitive for what have you made.

Falling in love is hard as a stone but as time goes by it will be more like as soft as a marshmallow would be.

Falling in love is like an ice cream. For somehow reasons. You need some food to comfort when your in pain.

Falling in love is like a fluffy pillow. There are instances that you don't want to let go on the arms of the one you love.

Falling in love is like putting a toothpaste under your eyes. It hurts.

Falling in love is like a war without an armor. You can't fight if you do not rely on your feelings.

And lastly falling in love is like a rainbow. A colorful sky with all the emotions that you wanna feel.

Song to Pamper: "Statue" by Lil Eddie

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